Category4 things we want at USS Super Nintendo World in 2025
It’s Mario time! and finally Mario is closer than ever to all of us in Singapore and arguably in the region. It’s just been announced..
Sega joins in the fun with the Mega Drive Mini this September
Yaaass! and finally, in this lifetime, we can witness another video gaming consoles war! This time round, it’s the battles of the minis!..
5 Video Game Themed Places that puts FUN into gaming!
Well, it’s been 9 years since we founded Saint Games, arguably the first video games cafe in the world… (definitely first in Singapore)..
CLOVR – The Next Gen VR
So are you ready, Player One?
Imagine a time that you can jump straight into the game environment and lead the charge against enemies or..
9 years of injecting video gaming FUN
While we’ve recently just marked our 9th Year milestone of existence, we thought that it will be a really good time to sum up in a post,..